Until May 8, 2025:

submitting the registration form. Please fill in here the registration form.  
The registration form can be completed either with title and abstract of scientific paper which will be submitted at the Conference or with the option to attend the debatewithout the submission a scientific paper.
The authors have the opportunity to submit a second scientific paper at the Conference paying an additional fee of 80 EUR.

For scientific papers in co-authorship, the registration of the co-author at conference is made in the same conditions as registration of the author. Each co-author will complete a separate Registration form.

Until May 10, 2025:

sending full text of the scientific paper in English at the email :  . Download here the template for scientific papers.
Authors can avail of the services of translation into English of the scientific paper included at the conference. For details click here.

In the double-blind peer review evaluation of the papers, the Scientific Committee and the external evaluators can recommend: acceptance of papers in the Conference; making changes in the scientific papers; motivated refusal of the registration papers.

Until May 12, 2025:

Confirmation of the scientific papers to be presented at the Conference.

Until May 14, 2025:

Payment of the Conference participation fee.  The participation fee for those who wish to participate in debates without the submission of scientific papers


Participation fee

Rights conferred by registration fee payment


80 EUR

- right to receive the certificate of participation,

- the right to participate in scientific activities included in the Conference program

Hearer from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies or member of the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences

70 EUR

*The participation fee will be paid after receiving of the email for acceptance of the participation at Conference.


The participation fee for those who wish to submit a scientific paper at the Conference


Participation fee

Rights conferred by registration fee payment


200 EUR

- the right to receive the certificate of participation,
- the right to participate in scientific activities included in the Conference program,

- the right to publish the scientific papers presented in one of the publications of the Conference, depending on the choice made ​​by the conference organizers and editors of publications.

Author/co-author (students, postgraduate students, PhD students)

130 EUR

Author/co-author from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies or member of the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences

150 EUR

Author/co-author (students, postgraduate students, PhD students) from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies or member of the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences

100 EUR

*The participation fee will be paid after receiving of the email for acceptance of the scientific paper at the Conference.
**The authors have the opportunity to submit a second scientific paper at the Conference paying an additional fee of 80 EUR.
The participation fee will be paid by bank transfer to the bank account of the Society of Juridical and Administrative SciencesRO97BREL0002004243450200 - EURO, Libra Internet Bank, SWIFT: BRELROBUXXX

Proof of payment (money order, receipt etc.) will be scanned and will be sent until May 14, 2025 at the email address: . Students, postgraduate students, PhD students will attach the scanned proof of ownership of this quality (card or certificate).


Important Dates

  • Until May 8, 2025
    submitting the registration form
  • Until May 10, 2025
    sending full text of scientific paper in English
  • Until May 12, 2025
    confirmation of the scientific papers to be presented at the Conference.
  • Until May 14, 2025
    conference participation fee
  • Ethics and Malpraxis Statement
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