Opportunities to publish the scientific papers presented at Conference

All papers presented at the Conference will be found in one of the following publications:

  • in volumes in English edited by publishing houses with an international reputation in Social Sciences:

  • ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher

    Some of the papers presented at the 7th edition of the May 2024 Conference were published in the e-book Paulina E. Wilson, Marijana Mladenov, Jelena Trajkovska-Hristovska (editors), Resilience and Reform: Administrative Law and Public Policy in a Changing World  at ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher. This is a Publishing House specializing in the publication of academic books (treaties, monographs, courses, theses, papers submitted to international conferences and essays) in the field of social sciences, founded by the Society of Juridical and Administrative SciencesThis volume is indexed in Ebsco, ProQuest, HEINONLINE, CEEOL, RePEc, WorldCat, Copac, as well as in many international libraries and catalogs. To access the volume on the Publisher website click here.

  • in partner journals of the Conference:


    Juridical Tribune - Review of Comparative and International Law is the only journal of legal sciences in Romania indexed in WEB OF SCIENCE CLARIVATE ANALYTICS and in SCOPUS.


    This journal is edited by the SOCIETY OF JURIDICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES under the aegis of the ROMANIAN ACADEMY and published online by ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher

    The Journal opens its pages to authors from different countries, from the legal education space and from the practitioners of law, encouraging the publication of critical analyzes of the evolution of comparative and international law. The scope of the journal is to create a platform for international legal debates, a bridge between legal scientists around the world. This journal is indexed in Web of Science Clarivate Analytics, SCOPUS, EBSCO, HEINONLINE, CEEOL, PROQUEST, ERIH Plus, WorldCat, KVK, DOAJ, RePEc, UlrichsWeb, IndexCopernicus as well as in many international libraries and catalogs.


    Published by the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences and the Law Department of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, „Perspectives of Law and Public Administration” Journal appears biannual in the online edition. This journal is indexed in international databases EBSCO, HEINONLINE, PROQUEST, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, WORLDCAT, KVK, IBSS, DOAJ, REPEC, INDEXCOPERNICUS, ULRICHSWEB, OAJI, VLEX as well as in many international libraries and catalogs.


    International Investment Law Journal is an international, peer-reviewed, open access review (free for readers), which publishes original theoretical and empirical work on the law developed by international organizations, the states through investment treaties (IIAs and TIPs) and the international economic actors. International investment rulemaking is taking place at the bilateral, regional, interregional and multilateral levels and it requires policymakers, negotiators, civil society and other stakeholders to be well informed about foreign direct investment, international investment agreements (IIAs) and their impact on sustainable development. This journal opens its pages to authors from different countries, from the legal education space and from the practitioners of law, encouraging the publication of critical analyzes of the evolution of international investment law. The scope of the journal is to create a platform for international legal debates, a bridge between legal scientists around the world. This journal is indexed in international databases: EBSCO, HEINONLINE, PROQUEST, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, WORLDCAT, KVK, IBSS, DOAJ, REPEC, INDEXCOPERNICUS, ULRICHSWEB.


    This journal is edited by the Society of Juridical and Administrative Sciences. Review of Law and Social Studies is an international, peer-reviewed, open access review (free for readers), which publishes original theoretical and empirical papers on the law and its implications in the social sciences: sociology, administrative and communication sciences, political science, security studies, military sciences, information and public order, economics and business administration, psychology and educational sciences. This journal is indexed in HEINONLINE, WORLDCAT, KVK, REPEC, INDEXCOPERNICUS, ULRICHSWEB, as well as in many international libraries and catalogs.


  • in Special Collections of articles:

  • Article Collection on "Legal Studies in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Transdisciplinary Dialogue"

    The open access journal Cogent Social Sciences (Scopus SJR 2023: 0.383; Web of Science Impact Factor 2023: 1,3) published by the prestigious Taylor & Francis Publishing House is pleased to announce an Article Collection on "Legal Studies in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Transdisciplinary Dialogue". Associate professor PhD. Habil. Cătălin-Silviu SĂRARU is guest editor of this collection. For more information about this collection click here.


    Article Collection on "Administrative Law in Today's Global Convergence"

    The open access journal Discover Global Society published by the prestigious Springer Nature Publishing House is pleased to announce an Article Collection on "Administrative Law in Today's Global Convergence". Associate professor PhD. Habil. Cătălin-Silviu SĂRARU is guest editor of this collection. For more information about this collection click here.


    Article Collection on "Changes, Crises, and Opportunities for the Relationship between Public International Law and Society"

    The open access journal Discover Global Society published by the prestigious Springer Nature Publishing House is pleased to announce an Article Collection on "Changes, Crises, and Opportunities for the Relationship between Public International Law and Society". Associate professor Cristina Elena POPA TACHE is guest editor of this collection. For more information about this collection click here.


Important Dates

  • Until May 8, 2025
    submitting the registration form
  • Until May 10, 2025
    sending full text of scientific paper in English
  • Until May 12, 2025
    confirmation of the scientific papers to be presented at the Conference.
  • Until May 14, 2025
    conference participation fee
  • Ethics and Malpraxis Statement
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